
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

me & meOww

Allow me to preface this post by saying that just because I love cats, doesn’t mean I don’t love other ..



I repeat...



just because I love cats, doesn’t mean I don’t love other ..



And the reason I stress this point is because out of the few months I have been blogging, I’ve noticed that some of the most heated comments in blogLand have resulted from people debating cats versus dog and dogs versus cats. In facts, last year I wrote a simple post about one of my previous cats on FB and deleted a comment bcOz sOmeone said sOmething very nasty about cats. Needless to say, that sOmeone is nO longer welcomed here..!



That being said, I love cats. In fact, i was raised in a family that had cats as a pets. However, it wasn’t until I got much older did I learn to love and appreciate cats.



I think one of the main reason why people don’t like cats bcOz they can’t control them.



Cats do whateva they want, whenever they want to



Cats have taugh me one Of the mOst valuable lessons in life


I cannot control anyone.



Oddly enough, that was the most freeing feeling on the world bcOz my nature is to want to control



Many believe that cats arenot affectionate, which is a total misconception. They can be very affectionate, but their own terms. And if u think about it, some people are affectionate and others are not. If u could have seen how affectionate my parents cat was with my father and my mom. U would amazed at how loving and loyal cats can be.



Many people believe that cats are too independent, therefore whats the point of even having one?? I for one admire independence, so perhaps thats why I love them.



Many belive that cats are less like people, which is also a total misconception, They are very much like people bcOz people have moods and certain time when they don’t feel like being bothered. Cats need their space. So do people,



Cats are much like people as people are different. Each cat unique.



I suppose the main reason why I love cats because they dance to their own music, drumming to their own beat. You can stand on ur head, beg, plead, and bargain to try and get a cat to do something, and they’ll look at u as if to say...

“excuse me..but are u talking to ME???”



When i look this picture, I llok it many times and laugh until my teeth vibrated out og my mouth...hahahahahaha



Yes...!!! this is why I LOVE CATS.!!

MY LOVELY CAT..Muuackkcss! sO cute rite?? (^__^)

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